Archive for April 2013

Chain Water And Dissertation Madness

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I'm sorry I have been so quiet on here recently, I have been shoulder deep in dissertation madness!
Being stuck inside has however given me a chance to listen to loads of music. New sounds and tracks I had forgotten existed.
I have been going through my record collection, breaking the circle of the same ten records that I seem to have got stuck in. 
Gong, Edith Piaf, Nuggets compilations, Sic Alps and Nico are all back on the menu.

Here are two songs...with the same name :o ! 

The Jesus and Mary Chain - The Living End

I have been blaring the Mary Chain loads recently, especially their debut 'Psycho Candy' - absolute classic! 
I cannot wait to check them live at Primavera, in Barcelona, this May.


Bongwater - The Living End 

Bongwater were a lo-fi experimental act based in New York city in the late eighties and early nineties. The duo, musician Mark Kramer and the actress Ann Magnuson, released a total of four albums of their unique brand of psychedelic, experimental indie pop. Kramer later went on to not only produce dream pop sensations Galaxy 500 but became an important factor in the formation of the bands sound.


Happy Easter !

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Happy Easter from the Easter bunny from outer space!

Hoping everyone had a great Easter weekend!

I spent the weekend dancing to Rock 'n' Roll with friends at the fantastic Club Stomp, working on my Dissertation and saying "welcome back" to the sun!

I have been listening to Moon Duo's album 'Escape', 2010 - Woodsist Records, on repeat this weekend. Check out their great KEXP sessions on youtube. 


I Hear A New Sound - The Vacant Lots

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Photo taken from The Vacant Lots Facebook

Recently I stumbled upon The Vacant Lots, a psych-rock band from Vermont, U.S.A. There mixture of minimalist rock, shoegaze and garage psych is exactly what I have been looking for recently.
It appears they, like me, are Spacemen 3 obsessives and this comes across in their music.

They were only formed three years ago yet already have such a definite sound. Thick layers of drones, phasers, synths and dirty guitars all covered in a sea of reverb = perfection. 
There debut album is due for release later in the year on Reverb Appreciation Society records.     
They are currently on an American tour with garage rock band of the moment The Growlers, with no UK appearances in the pipeline.  

I love this great video for their track 'Cadillac'. 

They are featured on the fantastic new compilation 'Psych For Sore Eyes', put out by Sonic Cathedral, with their fantastic '6AM'. 
The compilation celebrates the best in modern Shoegaze and Psych from across the world and comes with some incredible artwork. 

I will be following The Vacant Lots closely this year and cannot wait to hear what they come up with for their debut! 

Follow them too:
